who are we

Mas Company for Catering Equipment and Engineering Solutions
Specialized in manufacturing food production machines since its establishment in 1995. As well as providing engineering solutions from design and manufacturing to whatever extent possible Our customers can develop and increase the production of their kitchens or factories, in accordance with the standards and specifications related to the food products industry. MAS seeks to research, develop, design and produce machines for making various Eastern and Western foods, such as falafel and burgers, and cutting machines. Potatoes and sweets such as balah el-Sham, mashabak, and other industrial solutions that help our food producer customers develop and increase production Their production.

Manufacturers with more than 25 years of experience

What distinguishes MAS Company


Two-year warranty against manufacturing defects


Providing the required parts for maintenance in the event of any malfunctions resulting from misuse

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Fast delivery

Fast delivery in time

Customers service

After-sales services and operating assistance

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